*A collection of spoken poetry, & original music. * This collection is a 2016-19 mix from phone recordings done in my room (add a little piano), & then also the studio grade microphone recordings onto professional software we have at “Studio Closet-Space Records,” so. Enjoy the stark differences between the tracks. -Amber PS. If you’reContinueContinue reading “EP // AMBERRENEEPOETRY”

//a null-god, explained

I pledge my allegiance to the absurd, of the primeval mechanics of phenomenon. & to the lawless, for which we must be; one soul in transduality, multi-reality’d, with experience & autonomy for all. -Amber Renee I am a proud & free-from-worry atheist. I smile at the word. Why? The pride I have found is unbound.ContinueContinue reading “//a null-god, explained”

identity pride //

I’ve never celebrated a pride month.  See, I’ve always identified with my assigned birth gender, a she/her woman & I’ve always assumed I was straight. Why not? I have no desire to touch or even see a boob. I have no place in pride spaces, I’d thought. (& pretty much still do. Yikes.) Background:: IContinueContinue reading “identity pride //”

, ,i’m in it ,

So it’s 9a on a show day. & I’m due to perform at the Tattooed Mom tonight in Philly. (EXTRA EXTRA STEP RIGHT UP: | DOORS 7PM | FREE POETRY EVENT,, hint: shameless self promotion.) But I’m weary from standing in this grey & electric hail storm called life, immobile & slow while just nextContinueContinue reading “, ,i’m in it ,”

through the mind,, ,

I feel like a lonely island, we’re all lonely islands and nobody knows. //We see each other’s smoke signals & call it humanity. //We see each other’s smoke signals & claim to know the archaic souls blowing the embers up to animation, but we can only guess through the fire’s dance. I believe we areContinueContinue reading “through the mind,, ,”