meditative poetry on existence, sin, & the nonexistence of both,,,

))) ) Sadness is illusion as happiness is illusion. (Does deep burning anguish bring illumination to the soul?) (??) The all is false, for the all is mind.            It’s in this universe of illusion that  we’re bound to perform.  //////   Souls matter….  Tears splatter / against  warm cheeks, our bodies,           mere modes of transportation. StrungContinueContinue reading “meditative poetry on existence, sin, & the nonexistence of both,,,”


Letters to the World1/1/20 As I stare at my phone, listening to music in my car on this first day of the year, waiting to enter my assigned nanny case of the day…… I’m caught by this dear diary entry I found dated October of 2019. Does deep painful anguish bring light? I feel this,ContinueContinue reading “2020”

Notes: Consciousness & the Brain

Clawing my way from the depths. Too busy breathing, can’t talk.//Just books, just thoughts. SOME NOTES WHILE READING THE BOOK “consciousness & the brain” BY STANISLAS DEHAENE As far as current masking experiments in neuropsychology have shown:  Sight enters the eyes & is streamed forward into the brain, & so forces the brain to decipherContinueContinue reading “Notes: Consciousness & the Brain”

VIDEO: Live @ Fergie’s Pub

Amber Renee reads a ONE-TIME integrated piece of poetry, storytelling & haphazardly music.


“Ma’am, I–” “Oh, no I couldn’t!” She cuts me off, sliding closer to me on the couch. Growling, “Please,,” Saying, “,you must call me Miss.” A pause, then a smile,, but I can’t see any teeth. Dread barrels through my heart like a flock of wild, vicious vultures caw cawing, saying, scratching, that nothing willContinueContinue reading “miss/mood”

//a null-god, explained

I pledge my allegiance to the absurd, of the primeval mechanics of phenomenon. & to the lawless, for which we must be; one soul in transduality, multi-reality’d, with experience & autonomy for all. -Amber Renee I am a proud & free-from-worry atheist. I smile at the word. Why? The pride I have found is unbound.ContinueContinue reading “//a null-god, explained”