//a null-god, explained

I pledge my allegiance to the absurd, of the primeval mechanics of phenomenon. & to the lawless, for which we must be; one soul in transduality, multi-reality’d, with experience & autonomy for all. -Amber Renee I am a proud & free-from-worry atheist. I smile at the word. Why? The pride I have found is unbound.ContinueContinue reading “//a null-god, explained”

Genetics: A Hidden Mythology

Genetic study provides first-ever insight into biological origin of schizophrenia Landmark analysis reveals excessive “pruning” of connections between neurons in brain predisposes to schizophrenia. “Over the past five years, geneticists led by the Broad Institute’s Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research and its collaborators around the world collected more than 100,000 human DNA samples from 30ContinueContinue reading “Genetics: A Hidden Mythology”

Zen Ramblings ‘ “

:: The following is a diary entry made by a teenaged me. (So keep that in mind.) The instructions I have left myself, knowing & not knowing about my muddied mind & how it would never hold the memories, here are simple. A sort of fake it till you make it. //Habits form & muscle memory makesContinueContinue reading “Zen Ramblings ‘ “”

handwritten notes will never go out of style, ,,

PERSONAL NOTES TAKEN WHILE READING “THE DIVIDED SELF” BY R.D. LAING ~  click individual pictures below to read highlights * to be perused at leisure & pondered on * * Clarification write up to follow * * as soon as I get it together *