handwritten notes will never go out of style, ,,

PERSONAL NOTES TAKEN WHILE READING “THE DIVIDED SELF” BY R.D. LAING ~  click individual pictures below to read highlights * to be perused at leisure & pondered on * * Clarification write up to follow * * as soon as I get it together *

thoughts on THOUGHTS, pt.s 1-3

THOUGHTS ON THIS MOST RECENT EPISODE is a collection of poems written by myself that deal with the incredible feelings I was subject to during an episode lasted at least 4 months. During this time I was near-crisis & agitated, miserable, depressed & hyperactive, isolating & quiet, creative, all-knowing, angry & The Void Herself allContinueContinue reading “thoughts on THOUGHTS, pt.s 1-3”

Ver t ig o )) ) ) ))

I whirl past; my back, I see it shrunk, there before me & face. I am only a bit out of my head. Something to the left where I cannot look all the way at it. In fact, the thoughts come up all blurry… The body wracked of seizures by stillness then spinning, more stillness:ContinueContinue reading “Ver t ig o )) ) ) ))”

oh the horror,, , //a sleep paralysis story

Last night I fell asleep with no problems. Ease; letting go the intense mind crunch & instead surrendering into that blissful non-thoughts phantastic we all have at the edge of asleep.  Hypnagogic consciousness, it’s called, the falling asleep mind still churning. But that’s not where our story begins. //// Episodes of sleep paralysis are made upContinueContinue reading “oh the horror,, , //a sleep paralysis story”


So here I am, right? Barnes & noble suited, coffee in hand. / It’s / A / Writing / Day /, I declared to myself this morning, ha. Yeah right, right? Write. Just write, right? Riiiight. Well, rain drops while musing drips, (read that again) ,, &, in this mindset, little cozy cafe, settling downContinueContinue reading “procrastination.”

This world…

I disagree with, depending on where in the world you happen to be doing your whole “being alive” thing; the competition of nationality, religion, race, skill; politician to politician, neighbor to neighbor, person to person & needing to keep up with the Joneses, paying bills & getting married bc That’s What People Do. I mean,ContinueContinue reading “This world…”