3 Goals // creative & personal


So, I’m thinking about making this week’s weekly bloggin’ post go over some different goals or projects I have set for myself this year. You know, just to freak me out………… lol. But besides that, honestly, I’m hoping one might inspire YOU to cultivate your own goal or project, alike to mine or way different.

Sidenote: After reading, feel free to comment with what you’re going to achieve,
I want to hear about it!

Question for you:

If you only had a year to live, what visions would you hurry up & realize? & which ones would have to slip through the cracks as dreams never reached reality? What would remain as you leave this earth? What, with your stamp of approval, original creation innate, will outlive you? A terrifying question & one I don’t really have to scare me or you with,, thankfully. (Hopefully.) That said, I’ve brought up this hypothetical because I’m trying, trying, to light a fire under my-self. GET IT DONE. // See, I’m someone who constantly needs to be creating something. If I stop, that’s when you know something’s wrong.

& well, okay, something’s been wrong for awhile now. Though / I’m happy to report I’ve managed to stay creative through it all thus far. The trouble is if I crash. In attempt to not crash, I’ve begun hoarding these editable notebooks, filling them with printables & my own handwriting. What I’ve planned in them are dreams. Dreams I hope to make realities. For example,

Goal #1: Create my own poetry zines/handbound books

I’ve been in love with creating my own books for years now. I’ve actually made a few in my time; stitched binding & everything. But I’m looking to take my crafting skills to the next level. Hopefully within the next 6 months you’ll be seeing me with books that YOU TOO can own.

What will these books look like?

I’m thinking about doing two main types of handbound books with both having a pair of sub branches.

The books I’m most interested in making are the chapbooks or zines. These are like short pamphlet sized books. I’ve been practicing my art skills, hoping to whip them into abstract workable shape. & let me tell you: I am no visual artist. A paintbrush is NOT like a pen. But add the pen to the paint & you got what I’m trying to show off.

Words + Aesthetic = ??¿???

Goal #2: Create music more often

In this goal, I want to bring out my keys, hook up my vocals & go nuts. I have a couple different synthesizer type devices, & my keyboard has all sorts of presets. The program I use is workable, so why don’t I music more often already? I am no musician. I am a poet. Every try at music for me is like juicing a boulder.

Somehow, someway however, I already have a bandcamp & soundcloud filled with tunes.
(What a juicy rock, huh?)


Description: Piece is designed to take your mind on flight through a strange & dark inner world. Raw. Honest. Vital. Soundtrack to the boundaries between delusion, grandeur, & depression; dissociation & hope, love. // I suggest you grab the vice of your choosing, get comfortable; turn on, tune in, drop out &, allow your mind to bend, stretch, ebb, & recede with a language, sound & imagery stranger than fiction.

For a good scare, enjoy my nightmares.

AMBERRENEEPOETRY (Album by Amber Renee)

Description: This spoken word album was made to fill an ambient, dark hole in your heart. What you need is what it gives you: (Experimental) Poetics// &, Over-Dramatics,, to delight your eardrum & make you scratch your head.


Finally, I’m going to leave you with one last goal I visualize for myself… (Mostly bc yes, I have a top 10 list but man, am I overwhelmed with just 3…..)

Now, this goal is actually a bit personal, but, the thing is, is if I don’t achieve…

Goal #3: Embed my-self back into the world with love

within the next year or so, it feels like my life really will be over. my dreams turned to dust never realized, just like we talked about.

See, I am a creature of many, many thoughts. They whirl around my head like a storm, throwing my thinking, turning all dangerous debrisb raining. Some splatter against my skull, dissolve. Some reach my eyes & cloud the things I see. Others go so far as to upset my stomach, whisper in my ear, shout in my bones. It is my plan to reintroduce my-self to the external world in a way that reiterates my realness as an object among objects. I’m not a schizoid sufferer, but I do dissociate from the world around me, including my body from time to often time. If I can rehabilitate my relationship with the world at large, (& this includes the world of spirituality we can’t see), I’m hoping it’ll insert myself squarely to the rounded-hole of earth, call it progress, hope it’s enough to get myself stuck & out of this funk.

Well, now that I’ve sufficiently freaked myself out with all the things I want to do this year, I will end this post. After all, I got a lot of work to do……

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