July 14th POEM,, rip

Heaven is a construct, a 

relief we grasp onto tight. 

//For what?   (For what??)

I know you are alright.

  & I feel,, ( ,I feel , ,)

that hell is all a laugh, ’cause

what’s crafted in god-image should

survive the hottest

fire & (twice) come back.

In pass/ing ,, you are person no more

but I believe in energy, & psyche, & soul.

My friend, you are now as free as a butterfly, &

every-body knows. ( (( know,, knows , , ) )

//You know, (??) I find it very strange.

the pure knowledge you must have 

reverted back to; your all encompassing 

view. What is life to you? // Because I want to know,

tell me, do my strings, right now, do they

play in a quantum field……?

Are you healed?

Because I (want to) (know) that you just

needed some sleep. I hope you

are resting. I hope you

hear me.

-Amber Renee

(In memory of my childhood

friend Michelle 9/2/92-7/14/08)

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